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Me and RC
sup guys.. i regret to say that i am probley done playin rc for a while.. i just got windows xp on my comp and there is sumthing wrong with my half-life, xp and my computer all together(when i bump my computer at all it restarts).. im not saying i will never play rc.. but i wont play it like i used to.. im a bit tired of my computer and its problems.. so im probley not gonna worry about fixing it. im expecting to get a new computer sumtime soon.. so maybe then i will play rc more like i used to. but if not then its been lots of fun and thanks to grits for havin a great rc server and to all of you for bein there to play with.

-AnTiX/Powered By GOD
Do what I did and will forever more preach. Get rid of that damned XP and install Windows 2000 Professional. If will
run faster and more stable than the disasterous NT5 kernel which was just Win 98 with a new coat of paint mixed
in with Task Manager. 2k has always been a unspoken gaming system powerhouse and it pukes out Direct3D garbage.
Install W2k and run ALL your games with OpenGL video settings and you can give me your first born daughter one day.:thumb:
As for your ominous restarting problem; have you cracked open your case and looked for loose connectors? It don't take much
for a lose wire to bring down the house.
god, Win98SE is still the best "home" windows OS...what a shame.
and it comes with, at no extra cost, the famous BSOD (Blue Screen of Death).
you could always get windows ME with its upgraded BSOD 2.0! Where you move your mouse and it appears to entertain you.

p.s.: windows 98 also comes with our favorite msg: Abort, retry, or fail?
a b
I had to reinstall half life when I upgraded to XP
In fact, I had to reinstall a lot when I went to XP but its all OK now...
:angry:Blaaah, must get Win2000. (Have ME and yes, pG I know EXACTLY what you're talking about.)

Microshaft just drives me crazy overall. Damn Microshaft to hell... <_<
<--- has all. Just back up everything on your system so we can blow it away abe! Then I can install any os you so choose, Linux, Unix, Solaris, XP, 98, 2000, NT, etc. Plus I have every service pack available and I assure you, you will want them, they fix mucho bugs...
The ONLY time i EVER see a 2k BSOD is when there is a definate hardware failure especially bad memory or bad driver for new hardware.
The only time you do the 3 finger salute on 2k is when you login. As God intended.
hrm.. false alram i guess.. i switched my gfx config to opengl.. and it works perfectly... o well :lol:
MUHAHAHA.....OpenGL defeats Direct3D again !!

Direct3D :bgf:
funny you should mention OpenGL at this fps went from 14-27 and is now about 75-80 since evil_admin helped me figure all that stand back gang....GRITS is operating in high quality now and might actually be dangerous on the pads if I just learn to stop socializing during a match:P
Good for you GRITS. I have been preaching OpenGL ever since the days when I ran
NT workstation as my gamestation and everyone else was still using Win95 and Win98.

The graphics are incredibly more clear and you hardly ever see any screen tears. It
even seems like the text looks better with GL. As for you socializing on the pads, don't
stop. You're the reason half of these people come here. If we wanted a static, mute
server we'd be better off playing with ourselves. HAHA...I just made a cute pun.:blsh:
I get 150fps with D3D, and only 60 due to the fps limit (HLs is 100 in openGL) but due to a bug in WinXp your refresh rate in games is set to 60hz which mans you can get no more than 60fps. I've never fixed the bug, the extra 40fps are not even necissary really. I run in OpenGL even though i get 2 1/2 times as many fps with D3D:)You can't possibly notice the difference over 30 or 40. (Although there are fighter pilots who are tested and they can react to 1/100th of a second, I'd say they are cream of the crop)

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