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Just wondering if anyone else around the world likes to cause some mischief....Here's mine and a friends latest one (about 2 weeks ago)

It took us from about 2 -4:30 am since we had to hide from any car that was coming. We used a pole to knock off the letters and then found a ladder (Huge, double-layered, wooden ladder...HEAVY) to put up the letters...took us about 4 tries to get the ladder up (had to keep bringing it down for cars) but once we got it up and started doing the letters we had the longest break of cars that we had had the entire night (about 4 minutes) so it was good.

The original said:
War of the Worlds
Tom Cruise
Shows 4, 7, 9:15

And it was double sided so we had two Cs

Im worried about bandwidth on my site so im gonna attached em...

my picture of the prank

linked the pictures because of one word
Here's a pic of my friend the next morning...the guy had no idea that we did it...but the mailmen next to us was just shaking his head:D
lol thats funny crap :P
Nice one pique.
The best prank i pulled i had to pull an all nighter. My school's janitor was clumsey and was always leaving his keys around so we waited for him to clean the boys bathroom put his keys down we jacked them and copyed about 20 keys and got it back to him after he was done cleaning 2 more rooms. Later we got into a room with about 400 packs of jello 20 things of vasaline and about 10 things of saran wrap. We waited until about 6:30 when all lights went out (think it was a 3 day weekend everyone left early) now for some reason there alaram system takes 30 min to go up so we Tore down the stares to the janitor room and turned the alarm off then proceded to jello up every last freaking toliet and urinal in that whole building followed by vasalening and saran wraping about every locker and door there. Took all and all about 4 hours and we got the hell out of there after reseting the alarm.
Nice, but you left out part. What happened when everyone got back?
Ya thats pretty good, I would have left out the cop comment.
Another prank done tonight...Pictures soon (sister is away for the weekend and its her camra.)

No biggie...just a stolen sign.

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