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Time zone?
I have a question... WHat time zone is this forum located at?? cause it is DEFINATELY not 12:06 PM like the thing says... In fact, it is only 7:06 am
Great Question....Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) which is fine for our UK players because Greenwich is in England...but it does sort of mess with others. It is the international standard and considered the "Universal Time Zone" and for our CS friends it is also called "Zulu" time in the military. It is used so that everyone is on the "same time". It is 5 hours different than the EST in the states or Canada and is based on longitude. Greenwich has been considered the "prime meridian" since 1884. :)
And you can change your settings for it to show the time in your time zone. I'm in PST, 8 hours different from GMT. And some places in Canada are only 4 hours different from England :D
My family is all from Nova Scotia, they're in Atlantic time zone, 1 hour ahead of Eastern. They're basically right in the middle, 4 hrs ahead of west coast, 4 hrs behind England.
Here in Nova Scotia we are -4:00. Newfoundland is -4:30 (don't ask I don't know why, all I know is that they are weird to start with) :D

At the time of this posting it was 10:55 am AST (Atlantic Standard Time) (this is my time)
I'm -8 here in PST. It's really confusing. espically when you try to convert our time to Korean time or whatever. because it's on a different day and it just get's so awful to calculate it makes my brain hurt.
:(I cant believe you guys dont even read my posts
By the way guys has anyone seen Melba Toast around, haven't seen him in a long time or thought maybe he would post here in rico?
I'm confused/perplexed/vexed/any other word you can think of for confused...

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