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new rico servers
there seems to be a new rc arena server up: "[WHO] wants to play ricohet? Decaps only". it really is decaps only btw...your left click fires decaps too their.'s late and i want to play rc. i sees pple in their so i go there...and i got to thinking about a phenomenon that seems to be only limited to the rico community...the minute a brand new spankin' server is up...we are matter what matter what time. sure, we will abandon it for our old standbys soon after...but in the interim, we are there...even if it's some strange bastard's client server w/ a 200 ping...we are there.

a while ago, nox wanted to test a new map he was working on...he sits behind a firewall, so i said i'll set up the server...thinking it was only going to be us playing ("why would anyone else come?" i thought). i created a game and left all the default values alone...8 player max...server name=nick..etc. it wan't long until we had a full was crazy.

now, it may not seem all that strange but consider that these pple had to sit there and download the map of my comp...the map was buggy...not enuf spawn pple were stuck inside each other left and right...and their ping was often high as hell. this went on for hours...i ended up hosting the server all night long for some diehards who kept begging me to show them more maps (i did because i'm a nice guy and i enjoyed playing host ^_^)

now this doesn't happen anywhere else by my experience...of course, the reason could be that most people put their usual gaming haunts in their 'favorites' and only look at those servers since pinging the entire list takes a bit longer (especially cs). w/ rc, it's not much of a pain to look at the entire list of 16-20 servers. i'm not sure this answers the whole question though.
You use "we" loosely...we does not entail quite everybody...seeing as many players I know have never been to these "new servers" you speak of...
i'm glad your there to keep tabs on everyone:rolleyes:. "we" is, of course, put loosely...i thought that was obvious...i'm never starting a new topic at 3 a.m. ever again...:lol:
the only time i leave my home is when its full. usually no one else is playing anywhere else i want to so i dont play at all. sometimes i occupy a server (like and precede to wait for players to join. but i can assure you kerm that i never "flock to new servers," to put the term loosely... :smurf:
OMG OMG... [WHO] Server is BACK?!

That was my first ricochet server, back when it was user_2 only, decap only... rofl I didn't know what the hell decap WAS at that time and people kept ***I'm Stupid for Swearing***ing until I asked what it was.
oh Thanks .asm you can get my acid to leave me when no one else can:P
not even my language filter well ***I'm Stupid for Swearing*** that hehehe
just teasing he'll never abandon me for good and I don't mind sharing him with others ;)
Here is what I remember of that server back in June when I first started. Another guy and myself were the only 2 on the server at the time. It was playing arena. The server had this automated thing saying decaps only. We both ignored it. I hit the other guy with a push disk but I did not kill him. So I questioned the decap thing. I then killed him with a push disk and the server gave me a warning (1 of 3) and the round restarted. I laughed so hard when I saw that. I had just started playing rico a week before and at that time thought the rule was stupid. I proceded to do it a second time same thing. The server then said one more warning and I would be banned. Well I was pissed so I did it a third time. The server then gave me a 30 minute ban. I never saw the server after that. I know there was no admin on so it must have been some plugin to do all of that. I learned after that decaps are better anyway. This was way before I even started to do any of the jumps.
[Image: b_560x95.png]
Ohhh, so this is the server where I started. I didn't recognize the name until acid mentioned it being user2. Yeah, I was in WHO server all the time when I began, it was the only place I knew of, and every other server made me lag. I was in there back when it was 24/7 arena, but it was best 2 out of 3 instead of the traditional 3 out of 5. I don't know how or why they had it set up like that. I had always preferred decaps anyway. When it switched to user2 I got really ticked. I played there occasionally, and I think by this time NOH was up. It's also what led me to take like a month or so break from rico. I guess I have been around longer than acid... hmm...
I have just played arena on it. It shoots the disc wherever your crosshair is. However it acts like the freeze disc so at times you have to wait. It makes for so weird shots though. I will have to try it more I only played for 5 minutes or so.
[Image: b_560x95.png]
a b
I never play on a different server unless asked specifically. If the holdouts is full, I wait for it, if it's empty I either don't play, or sit in there until someone joins.
The WHO server is gone again anyway. I think it only was up 2 or 3 days.

Edit: Scratch that I saw it back up Monday.
[Image: b_560x95.png]

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