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Guests and Validating people...
I have made a change to what Guests and Validating people can see. The reason for this is to give more of a reason for people to register for the forums, which is free and basically quick (just takes me a little bit to validate people manually)

Once you become a member you will be able to see many more forum sections.

Columns By Beastie and Kermit

VADAVAKA RICOCHET TOURNAMENT area. You can see whos winning and loosing. Cheer on your favorite person.

The Half-Life section where you will be able to post and read about stuff in the Steam, Half-Life 2, Ricochet, HLDM, CS or clans areas.

You will be able to see our Art Section which has images and writings posted by very talented people.

Programming section, if you need help or want to help program something for Ricochet this is a great place to start.

And the Debates and Polls section where you can debate about anything to your hearts content.

All of the above and more are aviliable after you register and are validated for our forums.

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