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My first CS server ban!
It feels so good to be banned from a server because of skill:P

Granted I'm no better than sockhole or Razor, but damn, it was funny as hell when admins on a cal-o clan server banned me when having a score of like 27-14, granted I was doing hella good the last few rounds, I guess I pissed off an admin on the CT team on dust2 when I took out seven alone and the bomb was about to go off ("Kicked and Banned" when bomb was at like 2 seconds), out of the seven I killed that round I'd say I got two headshots, so maybe they thought I was wallhacking rofl. Now I know how sockhole felt!:P

edit: Also would like to add the CTs had some players lots more skilled than me, including an awper that could hear you 30 feet away and shoot you through a wall (never suspected him of wallhacking either), I'm pretty sure I was banned because the admin didn't like the idea of a semi-good player being on the Ts. I'm just gonna stick to the intermediate servers from now on.
uhh, people there must of sucked, it's not a truly good score anyways (27 - 14).

It feels good to be banned the first time from skill but not fun after you've been banned from dozens of servers :o Sometimes I start owning then get like 20 - 2, lol :lol: *Banned*
Another admin unbanned me an apologized heh, the admin that did ban me was a complete nub :/

I know 27-14 isn't good that's why it's funny:P
its pretty good, it isnt amazing, i wouldnt say it calls for a ban. Congrats tho acid

I used to have those days... I have a screenshot somewhere of my 40-6 rampage with the AUG back around 1.0... man those were the days. I got into a clan by going into their server and going 50-2... the 50-2 wasn't against clan members, it was just a bunch of newbs playing in their server and the leader was spectating. I remember my friend and I played in one server and kicked some good ass... we were both accused and subsequently banned. But, I just haven't had that lately. Maybe it'll come back to me. I should share some of my screenshots from the past, I got some good shit.
The AK used to be insane in accuracy, there were quite a few people that were unstoppable with it, they nerfed it to hell since 1.0 though :/ Makes sense but it sprays all weird now, recoil pattern almost seems random.
on israel im playing on aim maps, everytime im having something like 10/0 22/2 those, and getting banned over and over again. just funny:)
Assault is like the easiest map as a T though :/

Even estate is harder (and more fun imo).
I so miss 1.3-. 30-0 was my longest without dying, but my longest killstreak was like 60 something on awp_map in my old clan. We frequently went there when Dave(leader) and I were on so we could compete for longest killstreak. =D Scout was my baby and I'd own people while standing on the short middle pillar. :lol: Awp was only for when I was irritated. :P Still is.

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