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RWS's Incoherent Rambling
Updated whenever I feel like spewing out useless information/misinformation.
First one to spot the Holy Grail gets a cookie.
The Last Supper
which obviously isn't now since the above contains but 1% of any real information and that was the full stop at the end to signify that it was over before it started because you hadn't got around to collating the potentially available information that is significant to the majority of the population out there in the wider hemisphere.....
this one percent, how can we know this isn't misinformation?
Because 1% of zero is zero. There was no information contained therein, and therefore no misinformation.
Lol, let me play the Devil's advocate. Apparently no one has ever investigated the world's most sought after treasure. If you have the keen ability to spot the obvious, you will notice that the Holy Grail or Holy "Chalice" is indeed missing from Leonardo da Vinci's work. Or so it seems. To understand this though, you must first understand that our current signs for female and male(the ones you see far too often in movies like Austin Powers) were not the original ones. Originally, the sign for male was the blade, an upside down v. You may recognize this from the military where the upside down v denotes rank. The sign for the female side of things was the v, known as the chalice, this denoted fertility, beauty, and everything womanly. If you look carefully at the man sitting to the right of Jesus, you'll notice that he is actually a "she." Saint Peter isn't making very nice signs towards her either. This woman is Mary Magdalene or more commonly known as, The Holy Grail. Unfortunately, you don't hear this side of the story often, due to Constantine's genius. At the beginning of Constantine's reign, the official religion was Sol Invictus. This wasn't to last though, as pagans and Christians started warring. Constantine knew he had to keep the country from a civil war, so in 325 A.D. He unified Rome under the Christianity. To convert the pagans to Christianity, he fused the two religions. Examples of this would be the Egyptian sun disks, now known as halos. The gods Mithras, Osiris, Adonis, and Dionysus were all born on December 25. After Mithras died, he was resurrected 3 days later from a rock tomb. You may also notice that the Jewish Sabbath was Saturday, and Jesus was Jewish. Still, they shifted the day of reverence to Sunday, the pagan's day for the worship of the sun. During this time the Council of Nicaea met to debate over the hybrid religion, one of the biggest topics was the divinity of Jesus. They voted upon it and decided that Jesus was no longer a mortal prophet, but the Son of God. Being of divinity, Jesus could not partake in earthly delights, such as sex, and his aura of celibacy was created. Now Constantine had to create the New Testament, and he and his colleagues had choice of which gospels to chose. So they used the ones that put Jesus in a light of pure divinity, instead of a mortal man. Unfortunately, Mary Magdalene kept appearing as the wife of Jesus in the gospels. This marriage appears in the Dead Sea Scrolls, the oldest Christian text known to man, and the Nag Hammadi. The Dead Sea Scrolls have gospels allegedly written by Mary Magdalene, and Jesus himself. Due to this marriage, they destroyed all the texts showing Jesus as a mortal man and any that mentioned Mary Magdalene. Even so, it is rumored that Mary Magdalene also wrote the Fourth Gospel for the New Testament, which was written by an anonymous author. A few of these such texts survived of course, examples being The Dead Sea Scrolls and the Nag Hammadi. The reason for the shroud of celibacy is the fact that many pagan religions practiced sex rites. They believed that the only time you could see God was during climax, when the mind was emptied of all thought. This meant that anyone could reach God, and the Church held very little sway. So to advance their own political agendas, they destroyed all such practices and established that the only way to reach God was through the Church. One of the more interesting things found in The Dead Sea Scrolls and the Nag Hammadi is that Jesus had planned to have Mary Magdalene run the Church after his passing. Ever more intriguing is the fact that you can read multiple passages that talk of Saint Peter's jealousy of Mary Magdalene and her position with Jesus Christ. This can be noted when you see Saint Peter making a threatening gesture to Mary in The Last Supper. You can also see a knife amoung the group of apostles on the right of Jesus. The arm that holds this knife is attached to absolutely no one, da Vinci's flare for metaphors is quite amazing. After Jesus was crucified Mary Magdalene had to flee to avoid the same fate for she and her child. The blood of Christ, The Cup of Christ, the womb of Mary Magdalene. It was then carried over to Saint Peter to found Christianity, or so it goes.
That's enough for now lol. Can only deal with so much conspiracy in one day.
FACT: The Dead Sea Scrolls and the Nag Hammadi are the oldest Christian texts known to man.
FACT: Jesus's marriage to Mary Magdalene has been established as historically correct, common sense guides this one.
FACT: The Priory of Sion(Secret Society that guarded the resting place/secrets of Mary Magdalene and her bloodline) is a real secret society. The document Les Dossiers Secrets has been proven to be legitimate. Within this document it names several members of this secret society, including Nicolas Flamel(Anyone read The Sorcerer's Stone ;)), Sir Isaac Newton, Botticelli, Victor Hugo, and Leonardo da Vinci.
FACT: The Council of Nicaea did indeed take place.
FACT: Jesus was Jewish, during his time period it was almost considered blasphemy to be a Jewish bachelor.
FACT: This is a hotly debated topic, you will receive more search results on google for 'Mary Magdalene' than 'Britney Spears Nude.'
FACT: I wrote this poorly, but I was in a hurry.
FACT: RWS sits on the fence for this one, he uses both sides' stories to form a much more complete picture of the situation, never leaning too far to each side.
FACT: There's a pretty interesting article in Time magazine, August 11, 2003, on this subject. Also check out The Da Vinci Code, an excellent book that deals with this subject.
It'd be pretty funny if a blood line of Christ really did exist. I dunno, just thought I'd say that. :rolleyes:
This is why I'm agnostic.
g-boy,Sep 8 2003, 09:53 PM Wrote:This is why I'm agnostic.
I can just imagine it being some guy in an arabian market who was trying to flog illegal stone tablets with the text of the hebrews on it, and he told this tale to get more people interested in them... :-D
Wha?,Sep 8 2003, 08:31 PM Wrote:Because 1% of zero is zero. There was no information contained therein, and therefore no misinformation.
There is information, basically RWS telling u that he would start a topic.

one of my teachers told our class about a biblical code that could predict events in the future (he made a side note implying that it predicted 9-11). He said it was a computer program (didnt know how it worked) that could predict the date of your demise, with shocking percesion (was tested on people who had died). Anyway I'll try to get a follow up on this program, and then use it to find out my deathday and then i can schedule that day off work:D
Too bad the truth is buried under a million miles of biased half-truths and spun disinformation.
But that's because I'm so cool and always right ;-)
Yarg! 1 |R0><0rZ J0o |30xOrZ, 1 @|\/| 5u|>3R |_33T. What does this say you ask? Well, the literal translation is I rocks your boxers, I am super leet. What translates into my mind though is, "I r stupid, mute me now." Leet sp33k is easily the most idiotic thing created by man, if you want evidence that God doesn't exist, this is it. Either that, or God is making us all suffer for Original Sin. Either way, cruel and unusual punishment has never been more true. I realize that this originated from people being EXTREMELY lazy, but how hard is it to type one more letter. Let's take a look: |_33T, that's what, 5 characters. Even with the lesser of two evils, l33t, that's 4 characters. Now anyone with any remote typing skills would type elite MUCH faster than l33t , let alone |_33t. 3 is in an awkward position on the keyboard and doesn't seem to "flow" with the rest of your typing. I have no problem with acronyms or other forms of communication like "ur," but leet speak is ridiculous. If anything, it makes typing harder. With our new techno age and wizkid lingo you probably need abbreviations like u and lol. Cell phone text messages are an example of such, those things take an eternity to type out. Speaking of text messaging, anyone else see the irony that someone is using a PHONE to send something written. I should carry around one of those portable morse code thingamajigs, they basically do the same thing. Ok, I'm off on a tangent here. Anyway, I was playing The Specialists with some moron named Machiavelli. The following conversation insued.

(More or less)
Machiavelli: Omg thats bullshit
Machiavelli: All of u are n00bs 1 am 133t compared to all of u
RWS: Yay for 15th century philosophers!
RWS: You liked The Prince eh Mach?
Machiavelli: The what
RWS: ...

For all that lack the knowledge of such, The Prince was a book written on politics where Machiavelli stated many unorthodox things, like...
Quote:is necessary to take such measures that, when they believe no longer, it may be possible to make them believe by force.
He was one of the first people to suggest the idea of 'the ends justifies the means,' it is better to be feared than loved, yada yada yada. I hope that idiot from TS trips on a cliff, while sending text messages made up of leet speak on his cell phone.
Quote:Sigh, I knew I should have closed that window. -Homer Simpson
That was quite funny RWS...:) My only problem with TS is that it is attracting the CS crowd because of the similarities but with some extras.
i make fun of the sterotypical cser, right to their face, and their retorts barely qualify, and i use the term retort losely.
Quote:and i use the term retort losely.
The Most Overrated List of all Time. Thus, my last respect for Gamespy flew out the window. Was there any reason for this list? How does this help someone buy or find good games? It's entertainment value is about -7. If anything, it makes me feel like stapling my eyelids shut. Never mind that multiple times through out the list they state that the game was extremely fun, but that's beside the point, right? If the game play/graphics/multiplayer/weapon/hole/rock wasn't perfect, the game was over hyped. The fact that people are rating a game that was released ten years ago is irrelevant right? Morrowind was over hyped? That's ***I'm Stupid for Swearing***ing bullshit. I had NEVER played an RPG till Morrowind. I have the attention span of a walrus, and I'm an FPS fan to the heart. Yet, Morrowind was one of the most amazing games I've ever played. I remember reading a scroll in a Daedric shrine that pointed to an ancient armor off the coast. Finding this armor had to be one of the coolest gaming moments I've ever experienced. To call Morrowind an over hyped game is a crime against humanity. Enough of my biased ranting, let's investigate their reasons for this choice itself.
Quote:you could stand the bugs.
What game doesn't have bugs? Morrowind had one of the least buggy releases to date for such a large scale RPG. From now on, I'm not going to like Gamespy because the logo has the color green in it. This is so trivial and stupid I want to punch someone in the kidney. The only example they ever give of these 'ominous' bugs is something about the mercantile skill being broken. We must have been playing different games because I never ran into this bug, or heard about it on the Morrowind forums. Come up with something more substantial ladies.
Quote:I played for hours and hours on end, slowly developing a character, building up my faction status
Quote:I'd still recommend it to any RPG fan with a lot of patience.
Quote:After about 20 or so hours
Anybody that goes around playing the same thing for 20 hours and complains about seeing repetition is a moron. If I watched football/soccer for 20 hours and said, "It's the same thing! All they're trying to do is get the ball in the other team's goal!" I'd be dragged into the street and beaten. Do you want change every 30 seconds, jackass? How about you being fired from Gamespy and forced to adopt the career of a male hooker to pay for your EQ account. They should be praising Morrowind for keeping them ignorant of such repetition for 20 hours. After 37 seconds, I noticed that I was being attacked by the same monsters in Half-Life. I wish I had known that people keep timetables of when they're playing a game. The most I do is watch the clock to make sure I'm not late for work or class.
Quote:Several fans and some co-workers think it's the best PC RPG in years.
This had to be the dumbest statement in the entire list. It's incoherent thought makes me want to watch The Time Machine again. Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't your "co-workers" other Gamespy employees? It says something about Gamespy when their own employees call it "the best PC RPG in years," but still place it on the '25 Most Overrated Games of All Time' list. Let's not mention the fact that Psylancer never actually admits to playing the game. He just makes obscure references to other people telling him things, and a few "technical issues." Never once have I seen these people on the Morrowind boards, but they are oh so more knowledgeable about the game than me. Working for Gamespy makes you always right about every game of all time, you can do no wrong. This is, of course, not including all the reviews by Gamespy that praised these "over hyped" games. They even point out their own reviews, and say things like, "We don't know what we were thinking back then." Well jackass, it shouldn't be too tough, seeing as some of these games were released less than a year ago. When Robert Jordan(Yes, the author) praises Morrowind, you know it's a shitty RPG. I could write a novel on all the inconsistencies and hypocrisy within this list. You should also note that I only wrote about TWO of the items on the list: Mortal Kombat and Morrowind. Imagine how long and grammatically incorrect this post would be if I did all 25. I think Penny-Arcade put it best in the end.

P.S. Morrowind uses a bartering system where each trader will offer you a set price for a particular item. This price varies from trader to trader, but does not change overtime. That trader will always offer you the same price when the item is in excellent condition and such. You get to barter by selecting how much gold you'd offer to counter the original price when buying. The higher your mercantile skill, the less you can buy it for. Hence, Ben's statement doesn't make any sense, since the original price will ALWAYS remain the same with a certain trader. The only thing that changes is how much you can counter for. I also don't see how his mercantile skill could ascend when he's supposedly selling for lower and lower prices. Correct me if I'm wrong(again), but increasing your mercantile skill comes from bartering and increasing the amount you sell an item for. This leads me to believe that Ben is a confused moron and had trouble figuring out the extremely simple interface.
I would have to agree with you there... and some of the top worst games are the best!
Correct me if I'm wrong (couldn't resist the reference), but you didn't write on MK.
Ah, sure I did, just not very much. ;)
Quote:The fact that people are rating a game that was released ten years ago is irrelevant right?
That wasnt about mortal kombat, it was a loose reference in a statement about gamespy.
My fault for not clarifying. Unfortunately, I was just throwing stuff down in the beginning, making random references left and right.
Quote:I have a distinct dislike for the original Mortal Kombat. How can crappy pixilated graphics and violence have given this sub-standard fighting game the same levels of acclaim as Capcom's excellent Street Fighter II
If you'll notice, hardcore_pawn goes on to compare Mortal Kombat to Street Fighter 2 multiple times. In fact, all of them do. I dislike both of the games myself, but all of these unbiased Street Fighter 2 fans seem to forget the fact that when the MK arcade machine debuted, it was not 2003. It's like the whole Mario vs Sonic feud back in the 90's, and from hardcore_pawn's profile, I think we know where he stood on that issue. If you take a look at every game in this list(except BnW, that really was overrated), it's safe to say they chose the people that had the most belittling(Would you rather watch a fight, or a sewing session?) things to say about the game. Some people prefer one type of play/game to another.

Another thing, what's with the whole "crappy pixilated graphics?" Let's take a look at Megaman 4, which was released in 1991(The same year as Street Fighter 2) by Capcom and it's "stellar" graphics. Creds to and for the pictures. Wow, those crappy pixilated graphics sure do suck, where's the 3D and other non-existing technology. Wow again, I should have realized that image is everything. From the look of this box art, I know I'm not buying this game!

From playing both games in the arcade/SNES/Genesis, I know that they both eventually devolve to simple button smashing and fireball throwing. If you play Street Fighter 2 with anybody out there, most likely they'll pick either Ryu, Ken, or the stretchy armed guy. Street Fighter 2 is not a game that requires fast reactions, and amazing cognative abilities. Nor did MK, but calling it unresponsive and poorly balanced is stretching it to the extreme.
Quote:its incredibly different take on the burgeoning genre proved refreshing to gamers
Maybe this is why they liked the game so much, eh? Problem is, they over-saturated the market. It's like the South Park episode Shit on TV, people simply got use to it and it became a part of every day life.
Quote:If you get the chance, play MKI, Street Fighter II, and MKII in that order and check out the difference in range of motion and moves available. It's an eye-opening experience!
As is getting laid. Too bad at the time of MK1, MKII hadn't been released yet. Using a larger range of motion and moves doesn't necessarily make it a better way to win. While you're jump kicking and triple backflipping in MKII, I'll be freezing you with Sub-Zero old school style. Then I'll walk up and give you a good jab to the gut. Just because I can circle around a river with my "wider range of motion," doesn't mean I should. While you utilize your wider range of motion and hike another 50 miles, I'll cross the bridge that's 50 feet. Sometimes the best solutions are the simplest. In my opinion, games didn't become "true" fast paced fighters till Marvel vs Capcom, that game kicked serious ass.
Hohoho, anyone see Newsweek? Wesley Clark is in the game.
I personally believe that ff7 is by far the best ff game. ff6 was good and all but it doesn't hold a candle to ff7. I have no clue why they said ff7 brought everyone into the final fantasy series. When ff6 was released on the SNES as ff3 a LONG time ago that game took the charts and STAYED on the charts forever! ff7 was just an all around good game, and the characters from ff7 are definately memorible, i mean several of the characters even made it into Kingdom Hearts.... And don't even try to say that Cloud isn't the coolest main character ever. Sure he had a personality issue but thats what made him cool! Here look at the other main characters:

ff1: no main character
ff2: no main character
ff3: no main character
ff4: Cecil, eh... never really liked him
ff5: Butz, not that memorible of a guy (i mean who goes around talking about ff5?)
ff6: Terra???? not really sure if there is a main character....
ff7: Cloud, from the cool spikey hair to the cleaver-like sword, he was awesome!
ff8: Squall, I really don't know why anyone would like this guy, he was a weeny and EXTREMELY dense
ff9: Zidane, Meg Ryan look alike???
ff10: Tidus, biggest weeny and moron ever, sure he looked cool, but he needed to grow some balls

and DKC is one of my favorite SNES games, it was such a fun and funny game. I definately liked it more then any mario clone like they mentioned.
What's mk ?
mortal kombat.
I wasn't awake when I posted that earlier comment:)If I had been I'd have known... SF wins over MK anyday ;-)
Pft, both games sucked. It was all about Megaman Soccer.

Random Facts of The Day:
Did you know that when you're trying to slice frozen bread, you don't make the sawing motion with the knife, you have to push it right through? Existence and receive are two of the most commonly misspelled words in the English language. If you look up existance on google you'll recieve 388,000 search results, while with recieve you'll find 1,070,000 results.
lol... that was subtle. Nice.

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