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California Weather
If anyone out there thinks California has wonderful weather, let me just explain how weather works out here. We don't have seasons. We have times that are hotter than hell, cold as balls, or just strange WTF? weather. Of course it depends on where you are, we have freezing snowing climates and deserts throughout. Now, I live in Santa Barbara, which next to San Diego has like by far the best weather. But come on... today it is pouring rain. You may be thinking "It's almost November, of course it's going to rain." NO! Just last week it was absolutely gorgeous, I've never seen better weather, in low-mid 70's, clear skies, the ocean was very blue, and the air was so clear I could easily see the Channel Islands, and our mountains looked awesome. But then some days pass by, we have the horrible fires out here, and everything is shrowded in smoke and smells like cigars. Weather cleared up yesterday, was rather warm, and today it's RAINING. This is what you get in California, unpredictable weather and natural disasters. At least on the east coast you know that a storm is brewing. Here? Nope, just happens, and weathermen are rarely right.

My home is in the San Fernando Valley in LA, and for like a week there it was into the 100's (farenheit... sorry non-Americans, I don't feel like converting to Celsius), in OCTOBER. I got a call from my friend at about noon today, and it's raining there as well, and is 43 degrees! That's rare even in winter! It dropped from like 105 to 43 in about 48 hours! Only thing I'll say is the rain could have come a bit earlier when the fires were completely out of control... I had friends with houses burned down. Acid, dude, get out of the valley, that place is a shithole.

Anyway, just ranting, kinda bored with no classes for the rest of the day and not really looking forward to Halloween tonight. Gonna be some cheesy activities on the lawn outside my building, and I don't feel like dealing with the drunkards returning from Isla Vista. I think a friend wants to go see a comedian tonight... might as well go, I need relief from all my midterms.

P.S. I just noticed this was my 500th post... woo! Another thing you'll encounter in California is our damn accents and colloquialisms... lots of "like" thrown into sentences... and in northern california, they say dumb things that most of us socal people despise... like "hella" and "cool beans" and a plethora of other dumbass things. Speaking of "plethora" that has become a popular word... i remember a commercial on KROQ that predicted that very word would become popular. Ok, I'm done.
Hah. Mudslides here we come, let's hope it snows up near Big Bear though, my parents just moved into a house up there. Whoever started the Old Fire deserves a sledgehammer to the face.
i live in slc, utah if you didn't know. today, it snowed and tomorrow, it's going to snow...a lot. btw, i hate snow and you should too. sure it's pretty, but you know what? it's cold and wet and it sucks as hell to drive in. it was in the seventies and sunny just yesterday <_<. i'm sorry about the recent wildfires, but please spare me on how rough the weather is in southern california.:rolleyes:
you poor boy, you don't sky. If someone didn't already own it, I would give my left nut to live there.

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