Gragoon: funny story: I wanted to say hi to mytch (dunno wether u know him). his name at this time was dragonmaster. I made a mistake: I wrote "hi gragon" I found the name funny and so I took it..later I talked to olbest in teamspeak. he wondered aout the new nick and tried to read it. he said "Gragoon"..I found the name funny so I took it
blue: I played very much cs at this time. cs there are bullet flying arround. I german we say "blaue Bohnen" for bullets. it means "blue beans". I took the nick bluebean. some days later I met suicidejumper/iluvatar at the server and he asked me wether I would like to start a clan with him. he had the name suicidejumper at this day. I changed my nick to "bluejumper".
at this day I dicided to take the blue into my usual nick :D
PuNkGirL - well i'm a girl and was very rebellious during my high school years, so kind of self explanitory
pG - um... abbreiviated version of PuNkGirL
311 junkie - I like 311
Underwear Gnomes - Homage to South Park nuf said.
It started out as the Hunt for Jabba, there go Jabbahunt, but so many people just called me jabba that I have now shortened it to Jabba. So now they can hunt for me instead of me Hunting them. In the beginning along long time ago, my quote was " The hunt for jabba has ended" this happened after a decapitation.
actually all of the names i use are based on music
skI - my neighbor wrote a stupid stupid song about snowboarding and skiing and how they suck in summer snow 0_0 anyways...the song made no sense and i think he was on crack or something but the band i was in at the time actually got together and we made a funny ass metal tune out of it lol...way outta context.... O_O
pInball wIzard - an old song by a old band named The Who 0_0 you might know em lol:P...anyways...the song is about how this deaf, dumb, and blind kid plays pinball and never loses because he becomes one with the machine and the game.....
Steel Prophet - pretty good band in my opinion...they remind me alot alot alot of Iron Maiden, if your a big Iron Maiden fan you should check up and ill send you a song or two to see if you like them, they have covered a quite few Iron Maiden and Metallica songs....
Ethereal mIst - Dropped this off of the end of a nice GraveWorm song called Descending into Ethereal Mist....
sorry lol:Pi may have gotten a little off topic with some o this lol:D...but i do like my music...
Big fan of Terry Brooks, Shannara series. In one of the books there is a character named Quickening. I'll admit it is a girl, but the name was so pimp and stuck in my mind, I've used it ever since online.
Same story for all my other names, Allanon, Eventine, and Ahren.
Well, planet Venus is called Morningstar :mellow: and I'm interested about space and planets although I'm not gonna be any astronomer pher fer however u wanna type it. MorningStar is also a blunt weapon.