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Ok People lets get this straight I get kicked and because iam a regular there is no say about it?????? I dont cuss alot and why would I unless iam joking around iam just saying IF IF IF IF (NOTICE THE WORD IF) they were going to stop going around why dont you just filter the stuff like Fu WTF and MTFR and all together FUK i think its not really nice to say "Because your a regular you know the rules" well once in a while we happen to be joking around and forget so its not cool to kick just because we are regulars. It is not really cool at all to just kick us when we are joking around and if you dont notice that give us a warning so we can know that we are doing something wrong instead of just kicking us. and yes gwar it was after 10 min i said Fu all at 22:32 at 22:42 you kicked me.
why would you cuss unless you were joking around?
Well people get drunk, angry or have bad days and they swear. Hence they get kicked or temporarily banned to give them some time to cool off.

Why don't fu, wtf, mtfr, and fuk get filtered?
first we might not have access to change what is filtered.

secondly the filter will filter all sentances with the offending word in it whether it is part of anouther word or not. So in filtering fu out we would also filter out fun, funny, full etc.

third as i said before the filter is aimed at words directed at other people. wtf can't be directed at other people so it isn't a problem.

there are probibly at least 10 different ways to say mtfr though filter off all the versions of fuk would probibly limit that number down more.

I would also like to appologize for thinking that people could joke around without swearing as you seem quite determined to prove me wrong.
Grow up and get a sense of humor in the process.
Man we have some SERIOUSLY Immature, naive, ignorant, and just damn annoying people on this forums and in the's just pointless. If you have nothing good to say, then just shut up and play your matches, jeez. If we want comic relief we'll ask for it or go download\buy a PROFESSIONAL comedic's show...damn!

I'm only kicking regulars (ones that have been around for a long time that I know have been around for a long time) with no warnings.

The only people that we instantly ban no matter who they are (new player or regular) are they ones that say bigoted remarks. No one wants them around do they.

If I kick someone for bypassing the swear filter, I expect them to come right back in. Do they get kicked or banned for that reconnection? No they don't.

Do I expect that they will be mad? Of course I do. When they come back in I usually tell them right away why they were kicked. If they bypass the filter again, they get kicked again.

I have gagged Acid and Slasher in the past. I have kicked Acid and Slasher in the past. Neither of them seem to have gotten the hint about keeping the server clean. Even thou I gave them warnings first.

So now I (not any other admin just me) have taken it to the next level. Kicking with no warning. Why because by now the regulars should know the rules. If they don't like those rules then they can go play on another server. If enough people don't like how we enforce rules on GRITS's servers then they will move onto other servers out there that don't have as strict rules that we have. pr0 server don't seem to have as strict of rules that we have, but then again I don't know who has admin access over there and Pix seemed pretty glad when I reported some people in the pr0 forums.

But the holdouts and pr0 servers seem to be the only ones that I know that have admins running around most of the time. They also seem to be the ones where most the most people come to.


You were only kicked. You are going on as bad as Acid does. You know the rules, you've been here enough.

As to the time that it took me to kick you after you bypassed the filters, I still don't think it was 10 minutes. I would not wait that long to kick someone. I know that when I kicked you it took you a few minutes to come back in.

I'll see if Evil can find the logs for that night and we will post them up here and see.


Thank you. You are correct when you say "the filter will filter all sentances with the offending word in it whether it is part of anouther word or not. So in filtering fu out we would also filter out fun, funny, full"

It would cause alot of chaos and ever more people would be ticked off at us. Also people will find new ways around it. How many filters are we suppose to put in. ok there fu, then there is f,u then there is f.u, then there is f`u then there is f"u then there is f;u People will find ways around and I hope that we will be around to catch them all.
Give up people, you've were beaten the moment you said F as a shortened form of f***. Directed at another person or not. Just don't say it anymore, end of story. Posting again would only prove how moronic you are.
Quote:Immature, naive, ignorant, and just damn annoying people

You're one of these people.
That's really played out. You've obviously got some issues with Cloud, and vice versa. Once again obviously, neither of you are going to listen either. Either one of you be the bigger boy and suck it up, or talk it out in private messages. :blink:
SoulEvan don't worry about. The way Grits has been upset the last few days she will just ban both of them from the forums if it does not stop. If there is any "sucking up" to do it is to Grits. If they keep pushing her and she takes the servers down then we all know who to point the finger at.
[Image: b_560x95.png]
Okay P&G, what am I doing wrong on the forums now? I'm just defending myself here, if you want me to stop posting on every thread that has something against me, say so now please.
No it's the petty bickering between you and Cloud that has to stop for one thing. That's one of many things that she is upset about.
[Image: b_560x95.png]
both? of course...why not...I am simply stating the goddamn facts, but ya know what I'll just stfu and let you "admins" do your jobs....just like a suburban cop...go right ahead...I won't say anything, because anytime someone does...what's that? yep they get hammered for it...

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