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Important Steam Information
love you guys, and hope to see you tomorrow after the apocolypse
I'm at a point where I really don't care what kind of filtering system they have just as long as it can tell me if there are bots on the server.

I played a little TFC last night, 3 out of the 4 servers I hit last night all had bots on them. I had even checked before hand and not one of the bot names were names that you would see as bots. I think that all bots should have [BOT] at the end of their name to help people.
ugh... i've never been a fan of steam from the get go.... first off i don't have enough ram at 128 second, its the dumbest thing i've ever heard to update a perfectly working system with something totally different and probably bugged to hell since its it's first release, then make it mandatory. oh and finally the game is 5 years old count em 1 2 3 4 5! thats like ancient, there should be no reason to totally change the way you play a classic game like half life. And i just remembered another reason, half life 2 is just around the corner, are they gonna pull this bull with that game too, or are they gonna wait 5 more years and decide that whatever method valve came up with to handle multiplayer isn't working.

If all these mods can be ported to hl2 then all this steam work will be worthless. No one is gonna play hl anymore since you can play your favorite mod with the hl2 engine. Not to mention they don't know how to distribute a file properly. They should go ask the people behind how they do it, since everytime a new release comes out, their site is swamped with users trying to get the new file, and while the site may be slow or the dls even slower, at least the site still works....

one final thought, it is september 12th now, it was susposed to be released two days ago, then got delayed till yesterday, what happened???? You still can't dl it (i know this cause the site is working, barely)
Today is only September 11. It was suppose to be released yesterday, but due to major screwup and DOS attack or both, they are saying it will be released today.
oh yeah.... for some reason i thought it was sept 12th.... have no idea why...

you know htey updated their system recuirements to include a broadband connection, despite the reassurances that you can run this on a dial up.... those fools...
get this...a patch will come out for steam after awhile that will allow you to play lan\single player games YAY..also they said once steam comes out you can delete your hl folder..unless you wanna keep playing on WON servers..but it will be useless once WON goes down BOO..also they said you should be able to play steam on dial-up and there is 624 ppl in the irc room right now:D

and uhh btw you guys\gals..once Steam comes out ..nobody can play ricochet unless they release a patch to support steam..same goes for every other mod:(..this is after the fact WON servers have gone down
Steam seems to already suppose Ricochet, I have seen at least one of the newer steamids a little while back
steamid is new..they just started you couldnt of seen it
actually it is in the logs as valveid I think. but yeah GB is right we have already seen ids that are not wonids.
like some off..becasue they just started this steamid stuff
sorry you don't want to believe us but way back the first part of August we had a player on who's id said VALVE_1.0 and then a number and there have been a couple players even as recently as last week who had no wonid when they logged on. Not sure if they are actual steamids but they were unusual enough that someone made a notation.
Our admins do more than just kick people. They are aware of a lot that is going on when they are on the servers and we talk about it. We just don't share everything so I guess you got left out of the loop this timeB)
bah im always left out:(:P....i dont know when steam is released ill status everybody and see what it says
I was gonna say that was a bit of an in your face, I don't believe you, statement... STEAM has been in beta for a while, thus it was bound to occur that one or two players running under steam might appear on other servers, not just steam only ones...
I think alot of these players are also having to download the new models and their ID's don't show until they are connected.
Are you refering to the status / userlist ?
for those not believing me that I have seen other ids...

[Image: post-12-1060110215.jpg]
see thats not a steamid.. their wonid is 25047390... ive seen that Valve_1:0 before to..i dotn know what it is
Meh. You might have a slight point there... but then again... you might not. Obviously anyone testing the STEAM facilities, must have been able to also still use WON or they'd be severely limited, and maybe that's what the above was.

Btw, I actually remember killing him and then having to stop to look...:)
Those new Valve id's came with DOD retail. The ones that bought DOD have those Valve ids.

Quote:and uhh btw you guys\gals..once Steam comes out ..nobody can play ricochet unless they release a patch to support steam..same goes for every other mod ..this is after the fact WON servers have gone down

That is false. Ricochet has been apart of Steam. All Valve owned mods are on Steam CS,TFC,DOD, and Rico.
[Image: b_560x95.png]
How can you delete your hl folder? That's where the engine and it's files are, not to mention all the mods and their files. Barely anything to do with WON, so... ?
STEAM FINAL FAQ - put together by Xpertgamer
taken from #steam on GamesNet

*UPDATE* You WILL have to download a new client for steam. Existing beta installs will not upgrade automatically
*UPDATE* WON will be up for some time. Timeline has not been established. 1.5 will be playable until WON is gone.
*UPDATE* Keep your 1.5 install in place. Steam will use it so it won't download as much for 1.6. Steam will prompt for deletion of the 1.5 install.
1. Yes, 1.6 is going final with this
2. Yes, you have to register again. If you use the same email address, your friends list will come over though
3. Steamid's are first come first serve basis
4. We do not know the time the client will come out, please be patient. We will post in channel when client is released. Pacific time is GMT-7 and CET-8. (normally gmt-8 but Daylight savings time)
5. You will need a valid Halflife or CS Retail key to use steam
6. WON will be up for 2 more weeks. 1.5 will be playable until WON is gone.
7. Steam does not work on LAN only servers. Offline mode is coming
8. HLDS is for Dedicated servers only. NOT clients. Servers will NOT get steamids and do NOT need cd-keys
9. Mods and items like hlsw are supposed to work with 1.6
10. league questions need to be directed to the leagues themselves
11. New clients will be available off of and mirrors shortly thereafter. Remember, its just an installer.
12. There will not be patches like before. Steam will download the required content automatically.
13. Keep your 1.5 install in place. Steam will use it so it won't download as much for 1.6. We do not know if 1.5 will be deleted or not.
14. You register using the steam FINAL installer. You can NOT use the beta client to register for a STEAMID
[Image: b_560x95.png]
steam converts all of the hl files over to their client..thats what the cache folder is..after this is done..its pointless to keep the hl folder...just leave steam alone:D
Ok allll this where is it lol....
It stills doesn't sit that they won't have patches like they used to... I mean that's still crap because you can't keep the patch... maybe if you back up the directory, but then... something tells me that'd be dangerous in some way...
Quote:Ok allll this where is it lol....

I'm not too sure either..but prolly at the steam web page:)

alls i know is that i'm not switching over until i ABSOLUTELY have to..
if you wanna back up your have to back up your "cache" file that comes with steam..everything is stored there..2 weeks freefall till you have to switch
Why would a cache folder have all the hl stuff? If it's copied over... why not just set the directory var to wherever it was before?

It doesn't make sense to use a cache folder (moreover, a folder named cache) to store permanent data. I think that's just where it saves intallation files while it auto-patches.
i'm thinking the same, and I don't care if i get a low or high steam id... it's just an id
Actually all that information was in the steam IRC channel, that I have been sitting on for the last 4 ot 5 hours which I haven't actually been reading lol
I gave up, questions seemed repeatative, with no real use what-so-ever...

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