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Trippy's Addiction
Well what he said is true atleast. If I'm not mistaken last time I feel asleep while listening to mindless chatter.
Oh yeah, i would almost count ruffin the monkey as a nighttime drug habit at this point. Thank the lord for Skinemax!
Insomnia sucks. . .
Insomnia sucks, Pneumonia sucks 100x times worse. Ive had it before, but i caught it early this time. Its hereditary, but I havnt gotten it since i was twelve. Taking Hydrocodone at least 3x a day makes it allll better though:D. Thats a knock-out on top of the sleeping pills though heh.
I got pneumonia whenI was around 4, I puked up all the medicine i was givin and was sent to the hospital, since then I have a body temperature problem, i go swimming and my lips turn blue. I too suffer from insomnia, luckily i havn't caught pneumonia again though so. . .woo go me!

ps.I havn't tried anything to help with the insomnia i probably should seeing as It's REALLY starting to wear on me, but I just don't really want to
for me, the best cure for any of these ailments is through meditation. if you have a headache, don't reach for the aspirin; focus on it, discover why you have it, and will it away. taking drugs, no matter how extreme they may be, control your mind through chemical alterations. i know it sounds a little paranoid, and we all want to be fooled sometimes, but eventually, you must come to a conclusion, and for me, it was that taking drugs was a disturbing facade to make you forget what was really troubling you in the first place. making reference to that awful movie, tell yourself there is no spoon, there is no pain. things seem better when you do it to yourself.
I do meditate daily. . .certain drugs are pretty pointless yes, like weed (it's more like, an enhacer for other drugs). But things like LSD, I see them as not so much a drug as it is a shortcut. You can take 10 years meditating to evolve to a higher conciousness (apparently I forget how to spell) but by taking LSD, you won't suddenly reach that point, it helps to open up the doorways to the different realms. Jim Morisson (again my spelling skills have been cut off) said "There are things known and unkown, and between those are the doorways" ok so I was off by a couple words but the bottom line is, it is not necissary it's just the slackers way to reach this higher conciousness. 9 more years and yes i could easily evolve to the edge of the human conciousness (using that word a lot aren't I). I've done ecstacy before and am never doing it again, why? Because It opened up the emotional section of my evolutionary trail and then closed it the second I sobered up.

I think I went off topic didn't I? anyways, what I'm saying is that I do almost fully agree with brokend but some things that the human body may not be capable of need help to actually happen.

Wait no, disregard that remark, anything is possible if you will it to be, but certain things just make it easier for those who have a hard time. I havn't done LSD yet, these are just things I've heard but by taking other substances I do understand what those people mean. You know what, I'm just gonna shut up before I go off on a HUGE rant.
Freefall the thing is NEVER NEVER NEVER do LSD if you have any sort of emotional or mental problem. VIA Insomnia, Depression, or your Suicide thing. Last guy i knew who was depressed when he took lsd sat in a closet for 3 days naked in a blanket before his parents shipped him off to a private school in Utah. Yes, LSD can be very enlightening, it has been for me, but its not for everyone and its definitely not something to treat lightly at all. I say this with the most seriousness I can muster over the internet.
shit man, you gott abe in a good mood to do it, if you're feeling bad or scared or anything, you're gonna have a bad trip.
Even if your in a good mood to take it, LSD is so powerfull that it can unravel emotions that you have buried deep within. Thus it can bring back painfull memories, traumas, or make you go hysteric over events youve gotten over. If you "were" depressed it can bring that up too, along with any other emotional or mental problem. Hell i liked lsd, but i will definitely not encourage to anyone. You have to do your research, because its one of the safest and deadliest drugs out there.
point taken.
wow, i'm impressed, Freefall. I'm glad that someone else finally realizes that you must learn to trust yourself to control your mind before you are able to take substances to control them for you. sure, i've read Jim Morrison (btw, so many Huxley references! Morrison makes that statement referring to "The Doors Of Perception," another good read), but it hasn't encouraged me to get smashed all the time; rather, it made me realize that i shouldn't.

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