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pfft I have always know this
like i said i am thankful that they're are police cuz all the jailbirds will be out and we would die without them.

But than again those horrible cops where i live in the big city where alot of trouble goes around they are racist sterotypic ***I'm Stupid for Swearing***s i mean i hate them. So this is why i hate the majority of cops i see. I hate cops period but i am thankful that they are here.

But than again i am being stereotiptic or how ever you spell it cuz not all cops are bad and you are right about that anon.

But really I hate cops they suck I am sterotiptic jsut like they are with me and others I mean i have a p.o. officer cuz we were playin with b-b guns in our own backyard and shooting our dads own car and they thought hte guns were real and than they arrest us at gunpoint.

And you guys ever heard of that one incident where the lil kid was killed because a cop thought that the lil kid had a real gun when he it was a playgun the capgun and the kid pointed it out and the cop shot him and he died. thats some ***I'm Stupid for Swearing***ed up shit right there basically

Liek i said and i will say it again the majority of cops suck i hate them just like they hate me and others. pfft to protect and serve my ass they protect and serve themselves.
I'm not sure you can state that size of a city and corruption go hand in hand. If you have a smaller town, all the cops in the town know each other, and will know if someone does something wrong. In a large division its easy for something to get overlooked in the chaos. In toronto the former police cheif, before our current one Fantino, was very corrupt and was fired for that reason. I just dont think there is any relation between size of the police force and corruption within it.

Edit: The media interviews both or all parties involved. In any high profile case, how many reporters would kill for an interview with the accused?
Trigun.Vash.Ace.Shot,Oct 13 2004, 09:29 PM Wrote:But really I hate cops they suck I am sterotiptic jsut like they are with me and others I mean i have a p.o. officer cuz we were playin with b-b guns in our own backyard and shooting our dads own car and they thought hte guns were real and than they arrest us at gunpoint.
Um so your dad didn't mind you damaging his car? Even if it was just dents that's a pretty lame thing to do to something as expensive as a car.

Of course police are going to do something if they see what you were doing. They want to be safe and know what the hell was going on. I mean it's part of their freaking job. Shooting at a car with bb's whether it was your own property or not is going to throw up a red flag if cops are driving by. Plus I'm sure there is some law anyway to make what you were doing in the first place illegal.:wacko:
[Image: b_560x95.png]
How can you hate majority of cops? How do you know which cops are on which side?

Cops don't hate you, they hate criminals. Since nowadays police officers have to go through a psychological examination and so forth, I'm sure racists and people with anger problems are weeded out.

Yes there are 'some' abusive officers which the job has probably got to them and are under stress. Its a stressful job and even more stressful with people who don't co-operate. I don't know if there are mandatory reviews, but there should be to help these people.

Anger can get to a lot of people. An example would be arresting a wife beater, an abusive parent, or someone who has just killed their child. Though its not excusable.

Any abusive police officer has probably worked the streets too long and deal with way too many criminals. Not all criminals co-operate...

But if you don't co-operate with a police officer or get mouthy, do you expect the officer to be pleasant?

My uncle is a sergeant for a nearby borough and two of my cousins have just recently become cops. I asked my uncle if he would recommend the job, his answer: Deffinately not.

About the kid getting shot. It would be the worst scenario for both the cop and kid. Would you let someone point a gun at you? Not knowing if its fake or not?

Think about this.

Police officers (patrolmen) do not get paid a lot, they are on call 24/7, they work night shifts, go out into the world not knowing what will happen, respond to all dispatches, patrol areas, again deal with criminals who can be dangerous and who could hurt/kill the officer, put up with attitudes, and all for a low pay and people who say f the police...
<@Miagi> !8 Am I spamming?
<@ChanServ> Miagi: Yes.
<@Miagi> !8 Should I stop?
<@ChanServ> Miagi: Oh, please, PLEASE, make it stop!

Can't forget that people hate anyone with authority over them, especially those who display it. There's also the inconvenience of not being allowed to do whatever you want. Look at your parents.
Did you get more info on why your uncle doesnt reccomend the job? My guess would be the paper work.
Jobs dangerous( He did something to the nerves in his one hand from breaking a window with his flashlight, except his hand went through the window too. I have no idea how he can shoot because when he holds a cup he shakes :blink:.), no money, see some pretty upsetting things. He didn't really go into detail, I suspect he was taught to give short answers with no extra information :P.

He said that I should look into forensics.
<@Miagi> !8 Am I spamming?
<@ChanServ> Miagi: Yes.
<@Miagi> !8 Should I stop?
<@ChanServ> Miagi: Oh, please, PLEASE, make it stop!

Power and Glory,Oct 14 2004, 09:05 PM Wrote:
Trigun.Vash.Ace.Shot,Oct 13 2004, 09:29 PM Wrote:But really I hate cops they suck I am sterotiptic jsut like they are with me and others I mean i have a p.o. officer cuz we were playin with b-b guns in our own backyard and shooting our dads own car and they thought hte guns were real and than they arrest us at gunpoint.
Um so your dad didn't mind you damaging his car? Even if it was just dents that's a pretty lame thing to do to something as expensive as a car.

Of course police are going to do something if they see what you were doing. They want to be safe and know what the hell was going on. I mean it's part of their freaking job. Shooting at a car with bb's whether it was your own property or not is going to throw up a red flag if cops are driving by. Plus I'm sure there is some law anyway to make what you were doing in the first place illegal.:wacko:
teh car was used and old and he nvr used it no more..... it was already a piece of shit.
It's an interesting line of work, like any job, it would have its ups and downs. If its for you, then I think you will love it.
The reason I think that the cops pointed their guns at you was because, you had a gun in your hands.

I have a BB gun myself. At first glance close up its hard to tell that its a BB gun, it looks real. I don't know what your guns looked like but I'm guessing they looked like most other BB guns and looked pretty real.

Cops pull up to the scene, see you holding guns, rush out of their car and draw their guns.

I would expect the local cops to do no less with me or anyone else. Black, white or what ever.

Using the excuse "they pulled out their weapons because we were black" is silly. They pulled out their guns because you had "potential" weapons on you.

Have you ever seen the videos of cops walking upto a car with their hand on their guns, and get shot? I've seen many of those. Sometimes the cop lives sometimes they don't. Its a dangerous job.

Most of the time cops have a fraction of a second to decide if you are pointing a gun at them or something thats harmless. Again seeing how real BB guns can look and how dangerious they can actually be (they can actually severly hurt or kill someone), I'm not surprised that they pointed their guns at you.

Cops are paranoid about guns being pointed at them, do you think that if they see out in someones hands or even if the person is not holding it but its out on a table near them that the cops would be like "hi we heard you have guns, please don't use them, thanks" and then go away?
It's also possible that somebody called them, and they said something like "some kids are shooting a car", in which case dispatch tells the cops to look for armed suspects, reinforcing their idea of you being armed. The person who called would have been farther away, so a BB gun would look exactly like the real deal.
Gwarsbane,Oct 18 2004, 06:09 AM Wrote:The reason I think that the cops pointed their guns at you was because, you had a gun in your hands.

I have a BB gun myself. At first glance close up its hard to tell that its a BB gun, it looks real. I don't know what your guns looked like but I'm guessing they looked like most other BB guns and looked pretty real.

Cops pull up to the scene, see you holding guns, rush out of their car and draw their guns.

I would expect the local cops to do no less with me or anyone else. Black, white or what ever.

Using the excuse "they pulled out their weapons because we were black" is silly. They pulled out their guns because you had "potential" weapons on you.

Have you ever seen the videos of cops walking upto a car with their hand on their guns, and get shot? I've seen many of those. Sometimes the cop lives sometimes they don't. Its a dangerous job.

Most of the time cops have a fraction of a second to decide if you are pointing a gun at them or something thats harmless. Again seeing how real BB guns can look and how dangerious they can actually be (they can actually severly hurt or kill someone), I'm not surprised that they pointed their guns at you.

Cops are paranoid about guns being pointed at them, do you think that if they see out in someones hands or even if the person is not holding it but its out on a table near them that the cops would be like "hi we heard you have guns, please don't use them, thanks" and then go away?
that is total bs. the bb gun was tan like it almost looked like plastic. How can you even think that is a real gun and i wastn even pointing them at them.
It looks so fake from a real gun you can even tell. Cops over here suck. I hate them 99 percent of them aroudn here. If you were here you would to. i bet. It was very retarted why i was even put there in their hands. very very very retarted. and when tehy came we dropped the guns before they got out the car to make it seem more dumb. and yet they take action over something dumb. We even walked to the car before they took action and was like whats the problem he said you guys are vandalizing a car. I said umm yea we live here and taht car is my dads and its broken down you can see. and he said what are you doing with bb guns. He says thats somethign we use to do around are age but sorry you goin to have to go with us. Of course i resist arrest because theer was no reason for me to be arrested at all. How do you think i would feel after that?
My brother is old enough to buy one and on top of that
He even showed his proof.
Than he went to go arrest talkin about we vandalize property? wtf. me and 2 other friends got punished for that. He didnt.? lol.? cmon now.
anon, the smaller the town the more corruption. Cops protect each other. And they control the press because they control the press-statements. And the media will only go for the bigger story. They dont care what kids say and neither will anyone else. Who would you believe? Cops, or a bunch of kids out on halloween who look like they planned to cause a huge amount of ruckus. Cops around my town harrassed us non-stop. If you were walking down the street at night and a cop passed you, he would stop and make sure you weren´t causing any trouble. One time i was skateboarding down the middle of the street at night (around 1 AM, small town = streets deserted). cop came from behind me and rolled down his window, his words exactly: " Get the f*** on the sidewalk" and then stared me down until i got on the sidewalk. I woulda fought with him but i had weed on me, did not want to get searched (and yes they use pat down searches like crazy in my town.)

The thing ive realized after posting this is after that night, we barely got harrassed. After that, they would always roll up and try to be polite. Funny how things work out.

In the article you posted it had your friends statements in it. If cops controlled what went into it, then it wouldnt even have those statements. They control what they tell the press, but so do your friends. Cops do treat a lot of teenagers like shit, but look at how you treat them, even in this thread alone.

You cant make a generalized statement about small town corruption. I am right in assuming that they are protecting each other because they are friends? If a town has more then one division then the cops in the other division will not know them very well and therefore will not put their jobs on the line to protect them. Its the same with a larger town.
hmm... im part of a comic little group of people who pretend to assassinate each other as a game. we dont use bb or cap guns anymore, and we dont even use waterpistols if theyre not concealable.

REASON: a while back 2 members were staking out a targets house, and one of them was stupid enough to climb through a window. apparently whilst doing this he was seen as was the butt of the capgun sticking out of his pocket. Armed response unit come out, point mp5s at them. members put down capguns and go quietly, police dont press charges for wasting their time or anything, they get let off and generally go home without being full of bullet holes.

Thats a good example of policeness in my opinion. on the bad side i reckon roughly 50% of the police ive seen/talked to/ been given some sort of speech by have been bigoted in some sort of way. A favorite at the moment seems to be an anti goth attitude.
[Image: SkaWars.JPG]
who woulda thunk it, post a silly pic of a cop car and get this kinda response :rolleyes:

calls for at LEAST a temp ban. don't worry frito i'll cover your sr. admin spot while you're gone!

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