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Who is the current best Ricochet player?
This is the first 2 page topic ever! And this is my worst spam post ever.
Wow another first I am so excited...:D
The firsts just keep on comin for GRITS...
Lol. First trolling post.;) :D
I've already made a plethora of those:)
Rule is the stuff, PG is next, all the rest fall into how interested they are on a given nite.?
I will say RulePool2 and Ks but im only a high ping player :rolleyes: 300 ping is ok but 500 pwn;)
I have to give another vote to Quickening he owns me everytime
Yay For QUICK!!!
As for the non-idlers, I'd have to say Rulepool or Pique is the best IMO. They're such tanks.
bah no1 gave me a mention:(
I'd have to say Pique/P&G cuz they're pretty much the only people i *rarely* beat. Every1 else tends to have good games and bad games but P&G and Pique keep a very high standard of play

its all ping tho:P
How bout nemesis? Hes back and despite the fact that he thinks he sux, he owns!
He's not as great as he used to be...or maybe I'm just tons better....I dunno, but yes he's still good...
nem is hear that nem? i got my big ass kicking boot ready for you you little person who is little and likes to eat stuff (damn filter). Shalk is good too...hed be as good as gem almost if he had a low ping. I played him 1v1 while he hosted. I had around a 200-250 ping while he had 0. Yes i know this is a great advantage but he OWNEDDDDDD ME. i give him props for being that good with that high of a cant dodge anything with that high of a ping.
Pique,Mar 1 2003, 05:39 AM Wrote:nem is hear that nem? i got my big ass kicking boot ready for you you little person who is little and likes to eat stuff (damn filter). Shalk is good too...hed be as good as gem almost if he had a low ping. I played him 1v1 while he hosted. I had around a 200-250 ping while he had 0. Yes i know this is a great advantage but he OWNEDDDDDD ME. i give him props for being that good with that high of a cant dodge anything with that high of a ping.
lol how u think i feel with 300~400 ping?:P
Yet wen i moan about lag people tend to go "Ping makes no difference" lolol:othey obv. not played on 56k.. EVER
My vote goes to Davion :D

He beats everybody even if they don't admit it.
i remember Davion... heh:D but i remember that when u and him checked me to KIA i beated him with low ping :rolleyes:
I've played on 56k... yes... ping does matter in a certain sense. It's not really choppy or anything, but everything is just a little off on timing. First of all, you see a disc, you avoid it, then all of the sudden you're dead and transported back to the spot you just left. Second, when you fire a disc, it leaves just a little bit late. Really hard to get the over the barrier shots timed, and even if you do, occasionally they go through your opponent. Yes, distance or 56k or both is a disadvantage... but I think people don't like it when people with high pings talk about it too much, like an excuse. I'm sorry if you're at a disadvantage, but the HPB and LPB thing gets annoying. And if you have 300-400 ping, it's hard on your opponent too, because discs go through you a lot, whether you're choppy or not, it just happens. That could explain why you get people firing a lot of push discs at you as well, because one shot decaps often phase right through you. Your response may be that you've been decapped a lot, and I have no doubt, but some may have less patience than others.
m8 i always ask if im warping or unhittable due to lag, and if i am i usually leave unless told otherwise. I dont shoot thru them and they dont shoot thru me as far as im aware. the problem is wen i bounce to a platform a mile away then die where i was 5 seconds ago. i dont usually have a problem hitting them, i just put it down to skill of avoiding shots, i only moan wen im hit by a shot that is nowhere near.:)
i may occasionally use the excuse of ping for not being able to hit, but thats just an excuse theres barely any truth in it
Lol Pique, I like to eat stuff? Well I do like eating something, and it aint stuff:D
Gemakk,Mar 1 2003, 08:55 AM Wrote:My vote goes to Davion :D

He beats everybody even if they don't admit it.
Master Fin owns all. Nuff said.
RuNnInG_wIth_ScISsOrS,Mar 7 2003, 08:47 AM Wrote:Master Fin owns all. Nuff said.
mmmmmh he's good but even i can beat him... so he aint:P
oh, its me by far B)
well the best chick rico player award goes to Shakira of course....but wait I just came up with an idea!! Awards for rico! I'll make a new topic and post there....
My vote goes out to all the Players. I think we all used to be one, lets give 'em a round of applause *clap clap cough*:thumb::smurf:
Welcome to the Ricochet boards Davion, if you can call them that. ^_^
Wow, talk about reviving an old topic.

Hm... *thinks*

Well... I can't say myself... while I've gotten better, I still play horribly sometimes... Um... I dunno, I used to have problems playing vs. Gboy, but not so much now. RulePool is pretty good, but he's not the best player to end all others. Gwarsbane is pretty good, but I've beaten him... Power&Glory and Pique are both definately good, so is Pix, and acid_head at times... I just can't say. Maybe all of them:)
I don't know if there is a best, but _Acid_Head_, Knightmare, and Razor9 are my top 3 for some of the best rico players:thumb:, but most regulars are generally great players:lol:
You don't have probs playing against me anymore because I don't play much anymore :P

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