12-17-2003, 03:24 PM
I want to see LOTR tonight... but unfortunately where I live, the movie theater has hugeass lines (there are three screens that can hold about 700 people), and any time there is a big release, the first few days you have to stand in this line outside the theater for about six hours if you want decent seats. First off, it's cold as hell... and second, it seems most of my friends are busy or not interested, and I'm sure as hell not going alone. Ah well, maybe next week. And the damn trailer isn't loading for me, I'll get it to work. Spiderman is my favorite comic book hero, and I thought the first movie was cool, but was annoyed at some discrepancies. I hope they keep making movies though, special effects and everything will get better, and of course we get to see all of our favorite characters in live action.