04-10-2004, 07:04 PM
ya same here "anonymity" and i feel like if my parents did like restrict me from doing stuff that it would like make me depressed or something and i would just like do all kinds of bad shit like that just to be rebellies or to make them feel bad about not letting me have freedom or something i dont know and "jabahunt" maybe girls are diferent or something but i am 16 and a boy but if my parents wanted to go to the mall with me or go with me when i went out wow... that would be unbareable and i would probably really! really! hate my life and want to move the heck out and stuff because kids don't just go places to get stuff they also want to have fun while doing so.....like being with there friends or whatever it takes. But i really think that this is a topic that the Dr. Phill "wierd guy who thhinks he knows everything" would definetly agree with me of cours unless the child has had drug or or assosiated problems in the passt like "anonymity" was stating.