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Some Canadian news, little too close to home...
Sounds pretty wierd to me gwars cause he really didnt do enything illegal if he just had guns and was gona kill people well... thats not exacly a crime {unless he got the stuff off the black market} the police would prob just get him phycoatric help "cant spell" so the guy would be insain to turn himself in for just planing it out and getting the ammunition and weapons 2nd of all i really dont get why people say people from toranto are so nice i think they are all trick ass hater if you ask me {lol} cause i watched a conan o'brian episode when he was in canada and everytime he mentiond u.s they booed at him he metions the seatle hockey team whoever they were they went crazy plus they hate the french resistance or whoever in america we dont do things that way thats why we are the sleeping giant we dont have or discriminate unlless someone pisses us off if the french were all up on us like white on rice we would just blow them back onto that lil island called {europe} that like 50 other countrys share as well band then we would drop lil relife rashins {food and medic packits like we do with iraq and other nations} so the citisens do not complian about how the war affected them and thats all i have to say about that.

O ya and all u.s voters a vote againsed bush is unamerican thats what i think what is gona hapen if he goes out of office maybe i am nieve but i think iraqs might take just a lil advantage or john kerys coward ass and develope more resistance bush is pro war pro economy =nice people fear him cause he has got nothing to lose he will push that buttin on there ass they better belive it hmm i rmember when people were testing bush like russia for example they were trying to set bs rules of war for afgan hm.. now that bush has slamed the button 2 times and thinking about doing it to those pakistan asswhole who are suplying terrorests russia has backed off and speaking of iraq i am getting tired of hearing people say o why did we go to iraq and on the news debating it and seeing stupid tiedie wearing tree huging hippies oposing the war cause o man we would have had some pissed of hippies if we wouldent have gone to war and some terrorests would have done something els i wana snap there lil necks like lil twigs!!!!! That they are 95 pound vegitarian..... enyways plus look at the results of the war all those freakin alquida terroists and what not capturing americans and threatning to cut there heads off and attacking out troops guess where half those asses would be is we didnt go to war they would be here or something so by going to war i think we are finding way more than just stupid biological warfare crap cause thats bs they cant get one of those near our border we have got aa weapons patriot missles and prob shit way newer than that securing it im not even concerned about us not finding that stuff like that cause like i said we found way more we found "Human terrorests" the most deadly of them all we are finding a whole lot of those and i dont watch to many of bushes speaches but i think he needs to addres that cause it really is a saving grace that he can really capitallize on cause yes we went there and are doing good by nutrolizing terrorest population......

not yelling at you gwars lol i was just saying it with anger not to you but to enyone who reads to express my opinion

not pro democrat not pro repulicin but then again not anti enyone of those either but instead i show your suport for your govenment and vote bush in to show them hey we suport him in what he does and we arent afraid that we started war and terrorests might come anfter and we are not ashamed of our government and the chief and camander we ellected us but instead "semper fidelis" {always faithfull} like the marines say but ide be willing to bet they have a deeper meaning to it.

sorry about going off topic maybe ill post this in another forum some other time.

Messages In This Thread
Some Canadian news, little too close to home... - by Guest - 06-25-2004, 09:12 PM
Some Canadian news, little too close to home... - by Guest - 06-28-2004, 12:35 AM

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