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Woo, CHS are city champs
I never once went to one of our baseball game... I thought of going to the championship at Dodger Stadium... but I realized that the only baseball I like to watch are the Dodgers, because I follow them closely and root for them... so I can tolerate going to a game for them or watching on TV. But watching high schoolers, no matter how good they are, wouldn't be particularly fun. I do have one player that is in a lot of my classes... he's the smart one on the team, has like a 4.2 GPA in AP and honors classes. Supposedly he's like one the best defensive third basemen... not a bad hitter either. So sad how our baseball team is the best, and our football team just reeks. Anyway, baseball is relatively popular in southern california, lots of major league players come from our high schools or colleges. Still, it comes #4 on my sports list... I prefer hockey, football (those two are like equal in interest), and basketball.

Messages In This Thread
Woo, CHS are city champs - by g-boy - 06-12-2003, 11:53 PM
Woo, CHS are city champs - by GRITS - 06-13-2003, 08:51 AM
Woo, CHS are city champs - by g-boy - 06-13-2003, 09:47 AM

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