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New players & "cheating"
I was playing OF under STEAM yesterday and proceeded to call someone a cheat... at which point he launched an attack on me staying that I ought to know what I was talking about, etc... fortunately, with a li'l humour etc, I told him to go find his... and he proceeded to tell me that when he hears that day in day out it's no longer funny....

Some people are schmucks... he was one of them:) However, this other guy that was as good as him joined afterwards, and after a while I asked how he could be getting me through walls... and he told me... so I learnt sommat that I didn't know about a gun I never really use because my aim sucks:)
FreeFall,Oct 1 2003, 12:53 AM Wrote:That's a wierd looking crosshair
its weird, but good, i use it and love it.
I've definately accused someone of hacking, because they were using the timerefresh bug AND spectate bug to their advantage:)

Anyway, it's annoying when you make some weird jump and they just say "hacker." My favorite is the guy who said "You can't knock my head off! Hacker!!"
That's what I find rediculous..being called a hacker when the name-caller hasn't heard of the "secondary Fire" aka right mouse button.

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