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Matrix Revolutions (Spoilers inside)
I'm probably not as learned when it comes to things like emps as other people are, but if they did line the walls with emps, wouldn't they have to set them off in complete synchrosy. otherwise one could powerdown a crapload of the other ones that are sitting near it.
I don't know why there were that many squidies used in the dock (by the people in charge of that scene), since the people had no chance of winning, even by hand of god, given the destructive capacity of one.

That makes a crappy scene: the sentinals can't do anything, or they're too powerful and the zion falls before the climax hits. Whereas if you have too few adversaries, the one side can't justify losing (since the power has been declared, and is constant), making it a boring climax. Remeber the power rangers? They would always be so worried about the dozens of carbon-copy minions (whatever the hell those grey things were called), they practically wet their colourful outfits. Yet, they'd never lose that fight. Every single episode, they'd win with no problem, and each time they'd be quaking in their boots. In revolutions, the sentinals are those cookie-cutter basic minions. Everybody shits themselves when one comes along, but if there are more than twenty they just look worried as they shoot 'em all.

A fiftieth that number is enough to destroy everything. The architect even said they were good at it with all the practice they got from the previous matricies. With fewer, they could be as dangerous and damaging as in the first movie, and still maintain that healthy "fighting a losing battle" atmosphere. The dock battle could have been much more envigorating if there were people screaming orders at eachother and trying to acheive subgoals within "holding the dock". Like sending infantry to disable that drill. If it wasn't for those two, acting completely of their own accord, nobody would have even looked to see what the drill was doing. Somebody mentioned "micromanagement" somewhere on these boards as being how one person with 6 zealots took out 8 of someone elses. The humans should have micromanaged their forces. In The Matrix, it was really engaging watching the beads of sweat form and the adrenaline pump as nervous fingers grip the switch on that EMP (the only weapon they can--er, could--use) when ONE sentinal is looking through the windsheild trying to detect them.

Granted, it's cool to watch the dead squidies drop from the cloud as it pours in. But watching it over, and over, and over while the clouds swirl around occasionally knocking something over, where's the fun? I only found said fun in niobi flying through the 'mechanical' shaft. That was awesome; crashing into the walls while sentinals close in and begin tearing the hover pads from the hull, as the corners and obstacles fly by, and the gunners can barely keep up. Then one of the guns ammo starts cooking off, and it looks even more grim. They even have an objective that may or may not be completed to spice it all up.

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