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Hey there!
A recent PM that got fowarded to my email reminded me to visit you guys:)

You probably haven't seen me on for the last 5 or so months, there is a reason! I moved! I live just outside of Montclair, NJ now. Had business stuff to do up here, so I decided to move up here. I might play again, not certain, times are pressed right now. Give me a month or so, I hope people are still playing:)


[Image: chicken+copy.jpg]
Hey Jooza! I just asked grits or someone couple days ago that what ever happened to u :P Nice to see you back :thumb:
Welcome back Jooza, at least to the forums... was you and me talking about jooza just a few days ago. Wolfdaughter says she is coming back in February. I have been getting better I think I might surprise you.
Ya GRITS has handed me my ass a few times. :)

Great to see all these players coming back or at least maybe coming back.
It's the Jooz... hope ya return to play man.
Long time no see, hope all the work stuff works out. And yes, GRITS owns now, seriously.
give us the jooza, hey wb.

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