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Starting the Pictures Post!
Is that your girlfriend, G?
ure the 1 on the right, right?:P
You know this was supposed to be about pics so instead we are all over the place with non sense
Damn I wish acid... she was my lab partner in photography (note the amateur development of the picture, although most of the bad quality is from my crappy scanner), and we became really good friends. She graduated and is in Arizona now... .
Alright I finally got registered under my dumb other AOL name. So here's my picture, I took it myself when me and some guys were comin back to Canada from our Vermont snowboardig trip. I'm the one on the right in the white. Enjoy!

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WOW! That is a really big picture (and theres plenty more where that came from too)! My bad. Hey I got a Q: How do i change my email address in this forum thing?:thumb:
For my two pence worth, I will say... I would definately do the follow.... how about together? ;-)

Alice (look a like in #2 right?):
[Image: alice.jpg]
[Image: post-3-1048915522.jpg]

Sara (bring your friends too):
[Image: thegirls.jpg]
[Image: collzsar.jpg]

WD (with her strange german-style looks):
[Image: post-3-1048951341.jpg]
Net... the B&W pic is me... hence the reason I posted it... the girl in it is a friend of mine.
gee this is te second time my picture has been copied and reposted in this forum o.O Am i really THAT good looking?
uhh...what can be said? you're a punkgirl...who doesn't look like all those "weird" punkgirls....of course that's good! and I want to hear nothing about this "I'm gonna tell shaki" business...:blink:
told you id post em -netniv-

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hey shakira come here, I got something to tell ya
ok post of one word "or less" will officially be called clouds now :P
PuNkGirL,Mar 29 2003, 06:04 PM Wrote:gee this is te second time my picture has been copied and reposted in this forum o.O Am i really THAT good looking?
heh, rheotorical question:)
out of the ones I sent you ... something told me you'd use that one ;-) I look far better in one of the other ones:P That pic was done to make Al laugh... it still scares me :-D

This is definately the better one:

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g-boy,Mar 29 2003, 05:30 PM Wrote:Net... the B&W pic is me... hence the reason I posted it... the girl in it is a friend of mine.
That I already knew, I was trying to comment on the similarity in looks...
I've just found out why cloud hasn't posted his pic....

He's the 3rd on the right... (the 1 with the handbag:P)

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well that explains alot!
cloud, you are the spam post master, you shouldn't call yourself cloudfuel anymore, instead it should be Spam Master
Better yet, Spam Master-[that refuses to post his pic]-
HEY! He and you where talking shit about me...I had to say something...and you'll get your pic just wait...
Does "..." even qualify as a posT?
Hey I just found this... my girlfriend took this when I was 21 :o

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I think I look pretty tough in this one:angry:

Damn Pique just told me that I looked like 40 year old gym teacher in this ;p

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My mom and me ^_^

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sorry for taking up so much space, but I couldn't leave this pic out!

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is that short black guy you? I swear it looks like Gary Coleman.:thumb:
that picture of garey coleman w/ david hasselhoff and kit absolutely made my day :lol:..thnx lil for the cheese...

nice save after i had to look at your crotch in the first pic <_<.

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