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Cheating Death
pfft there are tons of hacks out that bypass CD as well fyi
Well its better than VAC.<_<
well all i got to say is..if she puts it on there..make it required to have it in order to join the server
Well, I just installed and ran c-d, and if I try to join any steam game, DoD or CS, it decides to crash half-life in the middle of loading. So, unless someone has a solution, guess I won't be on the holdout's server much.
Make sure you were trying to join a server that has CD installed on it.

Now I'm not saying that is the problem, but it's worth a shot.

While CD is better than VAC it has it's own fair share of problems. Here is the support forum for it:
[Image: b_560x95.png]
still doing some investigation on the whole CD story I will keep you guys up to date on the decision
Being an ns player, i know just how damn good cheating death is. Its 2 downsides are......

1. its sometimes screws up the odd script, altho mainly ones likely pistol scripts which are generally considered a hack anyway.

2. It sometimes gets annoying having to get a new download every few days.

The best way is to use it as well as admins, so rather than completely putting trust in it you simply reduce their workload nd let them play a little. if i remember rightly there used to be a server who had configured it to kick you for not having cd only if you had a very good kill/death ratio. That way all the newbies and lazy ppl like me didnt have to put it on every time cos they werent gonna get kicked anyway.
[Image: SkaWars.JPG]
yeah, like i said, at least make sure the servers you re trying to join don't have vac running...cause it should crash if cd encounters vac. since cd runs in the middle of the server and client, it's expected to it probably wouldn't "gentley" go away like you'd want.

i bet if you tried to play ricochet, for example, on steam...a mod which doesn't have this 'security module' dealio, then it would probably not crash. oh well, something to research later. i will say this: i haven't encountered a dod or cs server that didn't load a security module. anyways, i think adminmod and cd are made by the same people...perhaps not the same exact people...but people i would imagine are in contact with another just the i doubt there would be issues regarding adminmod and cd compatability.
VAD's server now requires CD I see^_^

Hope you turned off VAC.

edit: Server kicking me off saying I need CD to play there (I have it on)
k thanks acid let me check it out
Right now CD is broke thanks to the update. An update for CD is expected soon so I have heard.
email into holdouts asking that he take it off and put vac on for the weekend until they get a chance to update it
thanks again acid
am I supposed to have one of these programs running on my puter when I play?
yes and no. If its mandatory you will need the cheating death client to play on a cheating death server.

If its not madatory then you won't need it.

Knowing how good Jabba and I are, I don't think there is anyneed for him and I to have CD installed if its not mandatory. No one in their right minds would accuse us of cheating except for a good laugh. lol
Gwarsbane,Mar 5 2004, 09:53 PM Wrote:yes and no. If its mandatory you will need the cheating death client to play on a cheating death server.

If its not madatory then you won't need it.

Knowing how good Jabba and I are, I don't think there is anyneed for him and I to have CD installed if its not mandatory. No one in their right minds would accuse us of cheating except for a good laugh. lol
Ever since this got imp'd I can't play on Vad's anymore. =( Even with CD.

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