04-12-2004, 05:32 AM
lol and people say no black people play rico what ideots enyways lt me help you out my friend ok first off what you have is is a trojan.sattelite patch {not a virus} what that does is allows a noob wanna be hacker to controll and monitor what you are doing on your pc from either the same network or another location now if you have a firewall on your default gateway it is {your router if you use one} than it is inoperable from outside of you local isp cause your default net demon ports would be blocked....and it means some one in your house is doing it to you..means you need to kick some ass but first off i will tell you how to securly get rid of it.
step 1
first press {ctrl+alt+del} and that will pop up the windows task manager select the file called trojen.bat and hit end task {that is not the trojan it is just a batch file that runs it in your system startup}
step 2
now what you need to do is to get rid of the batch file altogether and to do that go into directory "c:\documents and settings\all users\start menu\programs" then delete the file tittled "trojen.bat" now ounce you have done that go to the directory "c:\windows" and open the program called regedit.exe if you don't find a file in there called regedit.exe just goto the start button on bottom right of sceen click on it and click "run..." then ounce that is open type regedit and hit enter.Ounce inside of the system registry editor go to the directory "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run" then ounce you are inside that foler delete the file tittled "trojan.reg" {accualy you should probably delete every thing out of that folder cause its all annoying pop up shit enyways}
final step
finaly if you have a virus scaner it is now safe to scan your pc if you dont have one you can use one for free at http://housecall.trendmicro.com/ and it will delete if you don't do steps 1 and 2 above it wont delete though.
to keep you safe incase another ideot trys this i would activate you default firewall by goind to start on bottom left of screen then controll panel then to network and internet connections than to network connections then right click on the one that says local area connection and select properties ounce in there select advanded then make sure to put a check on the one that says "protect my computer and network by limiting or preventing acces to this computer from the internet" then hit ok and you should see a little lock on it now. And after doing all that i would go get a fire wall like this free one here http://www.bullguard.com/download.aspx or i would consider buying one but you really dont need to purchase a firewall now a-days : )
If you need eny extra help feel free to post back cause you really don't want some one monitoring and messing with your pc at the their pleasure : ( not cool man not cool at all.
step 1
first press {ctrl+alt+del} and that will pop up the windows task manager select the file called trojen.bat and hit end task {that is not the trojan it is just a batch file that runs it in your system startup}
step 2
now what you need to do is to get rid of the batch file altogether and to do that go into directory "c:\documents and settings\all users\start menu\programs" then delete the file tittled "trojen.bat" now ounce you have done that go to the directory "c:\windows" and open the program called regedit.exe if you don't find a file in there called regedit.exe just goto the start button on bottom right of sceen click on it and click "run..." then ounce that is open type regedit and hit enter.Ounce inside of the system registry editor go to the directory "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run" then ounce you are inside that foler delete the file tittled "trojan.reg" {accualy you should probably delete every thing out of that folder cause its all annoying pop up shit enyways}
final step
finaly if you have a virus scaner it is now safe to scan your pc if you dont have one you can use one for free at http://housecall.trendmicro.com/ and it will delete if you don't do steps 1 and 2 above it wont delete though.
to keep you safe incase another ideot trys this i would activate you default firewall by goind to start on bottom left of screen then controll panel then to network and internet connections than to network connections then right click on the one that says local area connection and select properties ounce in there select advanded then make sure to put a check on the one that says "protect my computer and network by limiting or preventing acces to this computer from the internet" then hit ok and you should see a little lock on it now. And after doing all that i would go get a fire wall like this free one here http://www.bullguard.com/download.aspx or i would consider buying one but you really dont need to purchase a firewall now a-days : )
If you need eny extra help feel free to post back cause you really don't want some one monitoring and messing with your pc at the their pleasure : ( not cool man not cool at all.