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Starting the Pictures Post!
That picture is awesome.
:/ lil face,Apr 1 2003, 07:44 AM Wrote:My mom and me ^_^
Can you help me out? Which is which? ;-)
The great day is upon us....soon....very, very shall!:toast:
**Gwarsbane acts like hes directing planes with those lights**

All exits are unlocked and can be found to the left and right, front and back of the forums... well actually this is only one exit and its at the top right, the X. Avoid eating or drinking anything when viewing this section as you might either choak on your food or spit it out all over your monitor.

Do not be scared, exit in an orderly manner. Once you are out of the thread then you can be scared of clouds picture. If you get scared in here and passout you will block the exit and people will be forced to walk all over you to get out.

The only rules are...

1) Gwarsbane is first out the door, no matter who else is in the room.
2) Follow rule one or he'll post up another picture of himself!

You may now continue with viewing the rest of the forums. Enjoy your stay here. :D

Sorry Cloud, I just couldn't resist. :)
CloudFuel,Apr 2 2003, 12:56 PM Wrote:The great day is upon us....soon....very, very shall!:toast:
I remember this one time on's forums, this kid posted a picture of his GF. Well, this girl was very, very atractive. A 10 no doubt. Turns out someone had recieved this pic from girls in chat rooms saying it was their pic. So for 20 pages of drama he tries to defend himself, saying it is his GF. And he will get another picture of her soon as his camera is fixed. So it turns out the girl isn't his at all. He is embarassed and leaves the SG community to return under a new alias.

You incessantly stalling for time not posting your pic just sort of reminded me of this incident:P
And this is a person that we are supposed to trust with graphic design, that he would not have the simple means to supply a picture. No more being funny for attention, JUST POST............................:thumb:go buddy go.
silly...I have pics of my b-day and stuff...but they aren't super I wanted to get one that was like me in my room not dressed up or anything...ya know just chillin. So I had to wait to get my haircut...cuz it was a little bit long and it's cut and I look much better than with my hair longer (or so I'm told) me it's me. I can provide multiple if you need proof...but I'd just hope you'd trust I'm not super sexy or anything...I don't think my pic will be that hard to believe....
I'm sorry I still didnt see the picture:P
cloud, as much as we tease and have fun, its np, don't do if it make u feel uncomfortable, just shut up. you are Kewl anyway dude. ya go!

- used my digi they aren't like the best...but they're similar to what I look like when I am playing you guys...

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and incase you STILL don't believe's me and GRITS's Site!

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...and yes...I am a very "red" person...I blush a lot...rosy red cheeks....ya know...the whole ordeal...
Is your name Matt?

[Image: chicken+copy.jpg]
uhh's Blake.
Cool we just need to get a couple more of these people to post their Thor and evil_admin..why are these guys hiding....maybe evil is actually a 10 year old:lol:
Pssh... get a tripod and a brighter pic.
cloud looks like he is scared of the camera. His eyes are all buggy and "WHOA-like"
ahhh come on! Must we bash the pic? JEEZ!

- Plus I've been told I have really pretty eyes (by girls and ###### dudes:o), so they are kinda emphasized in this...
Funny, I know a guy named Matt and another named Blake that both look a lot like you. old are you actually Cloud?
You look pretty young. (and that's NOT an insult).
yeay cloud, good pix for a digi cam, now where in the world is carman sandiago! jk but I would like to see a pix of shakira and evil_admin to finish up my photo album.
Damn cloud, you lost those 50 odd years that I thought you had on ya ... ;-)
....17 here....
Here's my real pic. Just say no to drugs, see what they did.

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Ah buzzed jabba
Shakiras picture
told you she was a cutie, and she kicks ass so well. ....oh that is gonna get me hurt next time her and I play....the picture was taken about 4 years ago... she is no longer a teenager

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.... I just got Owned by this beautiful girl and now .. i am very very happy ..but all that aside . DAMN!!! all i can say .. no really mouth won't close anymore :lol:
Quote:picture was taken about 4 years ago

You mean, that's a picture before she got hooked on EQ?:)
Shaki...omg you are sooooo cute and beautiful...I had no idea...!

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