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FreeFall & [*RiP*]*][*he_EnD* :/
Please use this thread to set up

Time for match
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you have seven days to make your first post (earlier is better) and ten days from today to complete your match. (midnight GMT-5 07 July 04)

and then post

screen shots

you can play your next match as soon as a thread for that match is posted.
i work all week from 7pm to 3am pacific time (gmt-8 i think) and i sleep during the day unless you're up at around 4am pacific or sometime around i guess 2pm. . . i don't know our hour difference :/ but i've said my part! now I must go get ready! i start earlier today.
Im around often...probably not 4am...thats pushing it :/...but 2 pm could work. Server is won rico. Let me know a good day for you and we can try for it.
tomorrow i'm goin to vote and hopefully getting better work boots:Pso it is all jam packed with too much fun already.... Friday would be the best time because I don't work so i could do the day but if you want we can go for an earlier day. I guess GRITS 24/7 arena on won :D...

oh and the 4am and 2pm are what? 7am and 5pm for you? just curious.
im est so ...yeah im not sure what you are:P. If possible lets get it done earlier this week...Ive got an ns tournament towards the end.
ok lets see.. tomorrow, err today rather, is tuesday I think. . sooo wanna try for wednesday at 2:30pm (my time) which is 5:30 your time (i'm pretty sure).. maybe even a half hour later, I won't be waking up until probably 2 and playing half asleep is hard:P
Sounds good. See ya there:)
Eye of the tiger... well recip stole my vision. But fun was had by all! gg razor!

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Lots of fun. GG bud. Eye of the tiger!.... oh screen shot.:P

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