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besides, reaction time = any video game, and anticipation i got from christmas. switching through weapons man. laying fun mine traps. timing the use of hand grenades. i see none of this in ricochet. i also demand more jetpacks.
ok, you just griped about ricochet not applying to life enough, and now you want jetpacks.
i just want you to know my strict and honest opinion:

jetpacks would kick ass.
nah, jet packs would be too bulky and unresponsive. BTW i feel i'm a better shot with a rocket launcher or a rocket propelled grenade because of the discs in rico. Personally i think they're should ba a llama skin :offtopic:
well i feel that Goldeneye gave me the skills necesarry to beat halflife.
Quote:switching through weapons man. laying fun mine traps. timing the use of hand grenades. i see none of this in ricochet. i also demand more jetpacks.

Wha? said what coule be more universal...THOSE aren't universal, people don't go around laying mines in the streets and shooting each other with rocket launchers every day (well not in my neighbourhood). Not like Ricochet, it's set in a galaxy or something, what could be more universal than that! (you know cause galaxy is space the un---ah nevermind)
i dont know where you live, but in my house i lay mine traps all the time.

rico isnt much on strategy is all im saying. yah, you can run a few plays, but thats about it. granted hldm isnt a strategy god either, but there is a little more to it. but if you really want a game that makes u think, go play some natural selection.
i also think ricochet has less to do with computer performance as well. anyone can play it, as well as anyone can play hldm, or natural selection. but some have a tendency to rely on how well your comp runs more than others.

natural selection, being the butt-of-the-gun, in that sense.:mellow:
FreeFall,Jul 23 2003, 04:13 PM Wrote:
Quote:switching through weapons man. laying fun mine traps. timing the use of hand grenades. i see none of this in ricochet. i also demand more jetpacks.

Wha? said what coule be more universal...THOSE aren't universal, people don't go around laying mines in the streets and shooting each other with rocket launchers every day (well not in my neighbourhood). Not like Ricochet, it's set in a galaxy or something, what could be more universal than that! (you know cause galaxy is space the un---ah nevermind)
obviously you haven't met my little brother
i doubt i have met your brother, anon. unless...
you're family isn't an activist group of hippo-racing midgets, are you? because if you are, i think i HAVE met your little brother!
nah, we just do some of that on the side B)
well, whatever keeps your boat a-floatin :D
its not so much a boat as it is a hippo ^_^
Quote:if you really want a game that makes u think, go play some natural selection.

I've tried but the majority of the servers don't seem to work...I can't join a team..I get sent out of the server when i try, some kind of error. I can't recall at this moment :(
if you cant figure out how to play, just say so, don't make up some story and blame it on your computer:P.
I'm not blaming it on my computer..I'm blaming it on my game..I have managed to get into 2 servers out of the many that there are and It's a pretty fun game. All I did was take orders..cause i got lost and didn't really know what the crap i was doing.:P
that's a likely story.....

no seriously, it is.
FreeFall,Jul 24 2003, 03:50 PM Wrote:
Quote:if you really want a game that makes u think, go play some natural selection.

I've tried but the majority of the servers don't seem to work...I can't join a team..I get sent out of the server when i try, some kind of error. I can't recall at this moment :(
NS FAQ Wrote:Every time I try to connect to a NS server, it tells me that I can't because I have to install the custom game. What's wrong?
This is a common problem, and is due to a last-minute bug sneaking into the installer. The desktop icon that the installer creates doesn't have the working directory set properly. Just delete the desktop icon and run NS from the Start menu instead.

Any help?
ya might also try (if you are sure it's installed) going into "custom game" in the main menu and clicking on the "natural selection" and installing it. then it will let you play from any game you origianally went in to. it should, anyway. ;)
Nah..I can connect to the server fine, It's when I try and join a team from the ready room. When i walk through marines or aliens or random team..that's when i get botted off the server. something about numbers..the server is 663324986 not 46...46 is the number it always shows..the first one is made up :)
yah, the installer blows, just make an icon that says this: C:\SIERRA\Half-Life\hl.exe -nointro -32bpp -console -game ns

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