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Starting the Pictures Post!
ok it seems that i can't add two pics in one post (nub to forums) so i'll have to double post, sorry. Ignore the guy in the background, since everyone is telling their names, mines Adrian. If anyone yells "ADRIAN" like from rocky, i'm gonna be cheesed off, and silver stallone is so not my type. And CB, wow, thank you B) this is the part where i try to act smooth

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:/ lil face,Apr 1 2003, 03:39 AM Wrote:I think I look pretty tough in this one:angry:

Damn Pique just told me that I looked like 40 year old gym teacher in this ;p
i think u look like angel from buffy in that pic lil, i'll go easy on the posts now i promise :thumb:
This honestly would be the most recent picture of me. I rarely smile for ID pics... and actually for pictures in general. Although you should see my permit picture... looks like a mugshot. Anyway, the pixelation is on the ID itself... they just take a quick digital and the thing is ready in a couple of minutes. As for the invalid part... we don't get a sticker for it until the quarter is about to start, so sometime in a month or so I'll get one that indicates I'm enrolled in Fall '03.

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daredevil,Jul 26 2003, 06:09 PM Wrote:for some reason i couldn't see pG's pic :wacko: it said that u posted it there but its just a lil white box with a lil red X:(
I been getting that little red x for a lot of people's pictures:(oh well. I'd post mine but..well frankly I just don't like it...I look a lot younger than I really am (i'm 17)..woo
I think I'm safe...what..2 pictures? The newer people can sift through the past posts for it if they really care. :P
cool shades anon. B)
Quote:on a rico server tonight CB said i looked like a stocker

I was just kidding!
O yeh everyone givin real names, well mine is Charles but I go by Chuck, Charlie pretty much any nickname for Chalres
Name is Abraham, but I go by either Abe or Beef. When I say Beef, I really mean beef. No innuendo there.;)

But yeah. Went from Abraham to Aberham to Aberbeef to just Beef.-_-
k this is a recent one cus I just took it, :P

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Frito! you gotta save your good stuff like that for your "nakidfrito" website...
shirtless but when i get "buffer" I will give you the full monty or would that be the full frito
this is my pic from the other forums but all the action seems to be over here. i need a haircut in that pic.

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and this is a pic of brokend i took one night while we were down town, its a bit low quality.

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Maybe the picture is just too blurred right now from sleep deprevation but that one looks like Quick a bit ><
no it doesnt
no it doesnt....If you seem me on the webcam live I'm diff
It does look freakily like my ex wife though... :/
:huh:Thats kinda strange lol
Tell me about it... I was married to her :/
im sure brokend will be very excited to learn that he is being compared to a woman (atleast I hope it was a woman).
why would he be happy, exactly?
i'm working on getting a better recent pic. for now, you'll all have to wait in suspense, wondering that single unruly question... "DOES he, or does he NOT look like netniv's ex????"

the answer: when we return.
Look, I can't help what you both look like... Maybe the doctors copied your face at birth, who knows.
damn you xerox doctors!
closing this post it just got tooo big....if you want to post a picture of yourself please start another thread

split out the topic that was talking about animals so we can show off our pets...and to give quick and soulevan yet another thread where they can post pictures of their animal friends :)

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